
Vol.109 Biting Nails


What kind of habit you have?
You shake your legs unconsciously? Or you touch your hair?
As for me, I have a habit of touching around my mouth by a hand when I look at a computer screen. And I have always crossed my arms when I think something seriously.
In a short, I can not keep my hands still anitime.

My friend consulted me about his health prblem.
Recently, he has suffering from a pain in the mouth where he got some white spot behind his lip.
He is looking a good medicine to treat the problem, but he does not know what the cause is even though he has had the same problem in his coutry.
According his explanation, the problem seems to be connected with eating dry food or without drinking water for a long time.
Based on his story, and I lookd for the exact cause on the web.
My final conclusion is that some japanse suffer from the same problem as his because of their habit of biting the nails.

So my friend may correspond to this idea because he is a famous person for his biting nails anytime.
There is a possibility that germs on the nails may influence badly on their skin in the mouth.
But I can not find any medicine which is effective to treat with the problem.



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