
Vol.98 A Rainy Day, Tokyo Uinv.

Today I went to the University of Tokyo in order to copy a scientific journal.
Unlike Tama library, they offer the reasonable copy service; 10 yen per a copy.
I copied a lot for preparing for entrance exams which will be held this month.
Although I visited only the library I could confirm that the Univ. has the good setting for studying.

I always think this.
Why civil officers are so bad tempered?
I feel they always look irritated when I ask something for them...
Not having known a rule in library I was told not to do bra bra by a civil officer.
That's why I do not like those who are engaged in civil service.
Hey you! Let's take it easy!

After that I waited at the Red gate called Akamon for my friend.
He was very surprised to see the heavy rain.
We went to Pigu, which is a steak restaurant, but it was still during preparation.
So, we waited for the opening hours at the nearby post office.
He told me that the last two times he went the restaurant it had been rainy. So it was today.

I ordered stamina on a hot plate while he did chicken with sesame.

He told me that he would like to visit my hometown in summer vacation.

By the way, I taught him how much unhappy and uncomfortable the Japanese people feel in this heavy rain.
Because it is natural for the people including him from Arabic countries to feel happy to see the rain.
They often say, "I like walking in the rain." or "The rain makes trees or flowers grow up."" or "Raining is beautiful."
They hardly put up their umbrella even in the heavy rain.
I mean, the custom to put up umbrella on rainy days are not fixed.
Because very little rain falls in the arid area.

I remember my humorous incident.
On a rainy day, I took a walk with putting up my umbrella.
Can you imagine how much outstanding I was with the umbrella.
In the street some guys spoke to me,
"Why you put up the umbrella? That's not fair!"

In addition, do you know what the Arabic call umbrella?
They call umbrella "Shamsiie", meaning parasol.
It suggests us that they use umbrella for sun tan not for getting yourself wet.
Cultural difference is so interesting.

# 強い口調でその場を動かないようにと(人)を諭す
urge someone in strong terms to stay where he is

# 砂漠ではほとんど雨が降らない。
Very little rain falls in the desert.

# こっけいなエピソード
humorous incident

# 日傘
parasol // solar halo // sunshade



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