Do you know a cartoon film "Tom and Jerry?"
Jerry is always escaping from Tom.
But what makes Jerry escape?
Because Jerry has experience that Tom will eat or attack him?
So he recognizes Tom as a natural enemy?
When mouse begin to run away from cats?
Previously, scientists thought mouse comes to obtain this action aginst natural enemies by learning.
But recent study showed a new theory.
They used 2 mouse; one is normal one, and the other is mice without olfactory cells in the nose.
Of course, both of them have never met cats.
These mouse were made to meet in front of a cat.
As a result, the normal one ran away from the cat though the mice had never met cats.
On the other hand, olfactory-removed mice did not escape.
Furthermore, the mice was not afraid at all of the cat even the cat approached the mice.
This experiment suggests that mouse are afraid of cats not because of their experience, but smell.
And this escape responding are programmed by nature.
You can see more detail on the web by Tokyo Univ.
* その少年は、自分が悪魔に食べられてしまうと恐れていた。
The young child was afraid that devils would eat him.
by nature
It has recently been revealed that fruits and vegetables have lower nutritional values than 50 years ago
# 鼻の嗅細胞
olfactory cells in the nose
escape responding /
Vol.33 Discussion over whale flesh
I read about whale poaching in Korea in today's newspaper.
The IWC, which has 77 member nations and is charged with maintaining the earth's whale stocks, passed the moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986.
In Korea whales which were bycaught accidentally or were beached are approved for human consumption.
The whale fleshes are sold at auction and distributed to the market after the inspection is finished by police whether the meat, which is supposed to be distributed to the market, was obtained by irregular means or not.
Surprisingly, DNA tests showed that in Korea the number of whale flesh distributed to the market is 1.8 times greater than that of ones which was declared as bycatch.
Thus, half of the whale flesh was from poaching.
But why poaching is prevalent?
It seems that fishing people intentionally stretch nets for food by the report.
Some people are for whale catching because of food culture or as job of livelihoods.
This problem looks so complicated.
I will tell you easy-to-understand videos about problem of whale catching.
1st one
2nd one
The IWC, which has 77 member nations and is charged with maintaining the earth's whale stocks, passed the moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986.(77カ国が加盟し、地球上の鯨資源の維持管理を目的とするIWC(国際捕鯨委員会)は、1986年に商業捕鯨の一時禁止を採択しました)
beached whale
# 食用として認可される
be approved for human consumption
# 競売にかけられて売られる
be sold at auction
* ~を市場に流通させる
distribute ~ to the market
# ~より_倍多い
__ times greater than
# 不法な手段
irregular means
# 漁民
fisher folk // fisherfolk // fishing people
spread a net // stretch a net
# 生計を立てる仕事
job of livelihood
# 作業は一筋縄ではいかない。
The task is complicated.
The IWC, which has 77 member nations and is charged with maintaining the earth's whale stocks, passed the moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986.
In Korea whales which were bycaught accidentally or were beached are approved for human consumption.
The whale fleshes are sold at auction and distributed to the market after the inspection is finished by police whether the meat, which is supposed to be distributed to the market, was obtained by irregular means or not.
Surprisingly, DNA tests showed that in Korea the number of whale flesh distributed to the market is 1.8 times greater than that of ones which was declared as bycatch.
Thus, half of the whale flesh was from poaching.
But why poaching is prevalent?
It seems that fishing people intentionally stretch nets for food by the report.
Some people are for whale catching because of food culture or as job of livelihoods.
This problem looks so complicated.
I will tell you easy-to-understand videos about problem of whale catching.
1st one
2nd one
The IWC, which has 77 member nations and is charged with maintaining the earth's whale stocks, passed the moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986.(77カ国が加盟し、地球上の鯨資源の維持管理を目的とするIWC(国際捕鯨委員会)は、1986年に商業捕鯨の一時禁止を採択しました)
beached whale
# 食用として認可される
be approved for human consumption
# 競売にかけられて売られる
be sold at auction
* ~を市場に流通させる
distribute ~ to the market
# ~より_倍多い
__ times greater than
# 不法な手段
irregular means
# 漁民
fisher folk // fisherfolk // fishing people
spread a net // stretch a net
# 生計を立てる仕事
job of livelihood
# 作業は一筋縄ではいかない。
The task is complicated.
Vol.32 Who killed Montain Gorillas?
I was shocked to hear the news that a director at national park in Congo was arrested for allegedly masterminding a mass killing of mountain gorillas.,21985,23409825-5012751,00.html
For what purpose did he work?
He was supposed to protect the animals from being poached.
Why in the world did he do so?
You're not supposed to date for a year.
# 密猟者を取り締まる
crack down on poachers
# 一体彼がなぜそんなことを望むのですか?
Why in the world does he want that?
Vol.31 Old friend
I read an article of a Newsweek about homeless in America.
They say the homeless in America use libraries as evacuation places.
In the evening, an old friend of mine from college days,
who presented his reaserch results at a conference in Ikebukuro, came to Gotanda.
He said,
"I want to eat something at someplace like Gyosho.
Is there a Gyosho around here? "
We scouted out a Gyosho, but could not find it.
After half an hour we called over a Japanese restaurant.
But our choice was mistake.
As it was just opened resturant, they were slow to our order.
My friend ordered an another draft beer, but store assistant slipped his mind...
In addition, the roasted chiken I ordered came when my fiend finished most of the meal...
The guy apologyzed to us for not having served sooner.
Not only we but also other couples cpmplained about it.
We moved there to Jonathan.
It was my first visit to Jonathan.
To my surprise, there are so many a restaurant everywhere in Tokyo.
After that I went to Bookoff by myself,
I got home by walk.
# 避難所生活
evacuation life
# 大学時代の友人
college friend // friend from college days
# 研究結果を学会で発表する
present one's research results at a conference
# いいレストランがないか探し回る
scout out a good restaurant
# ぶらりと立ち寄る
call over
# オープンしたばかりのレストラン
just-opened restaurant
# テロの脅威に対する対応が遅い
be slow to respond to the terror threat
* うっかり忘れる
slip someone's mind [memory]
The salad I ordered earlier hasn't come yet。
They say the homeless in America use libraries as evacuation places.
In the evening, an old friend of mine from college days,
who presented his reaserch results at a conference in Ikebukuro, came to Gotanda.
He said,
"I want to eat something at someplace like Gyosho.
Is there a Gyosho around here? "
We scouted out a Gyosho, but could not find it.
After half an hour we called over a Japanese restaurant.
But our choice was mistake.
As it was just opened resturant, they were slow to our order.
My friend ordered an another draft beer, but store assistant slipped his mind...
In addition, the roasted chiken I ordered came when my fiend finished most of the meal...
The guy apologyzed to us for not having served sooner.
Not only we but also other couples cpmplained about it.
We moved there to Jonathan.
It was my first visit to Jonathan.
To my surprise, there are so many a restaurant everywhere in Tokyo.
After that I went to Bookoff by myself,
I got home by walk.
# 避難所生活
evacuation life
# 大学時代の友人
college friend // friend from college days
# 研究結果を学会で発表する
present one's research results at a conference
# いいレストランがないか探し回る
scout out a good restaurant
# ぶらりと立ち寄る
call over
# オープンしたばかりのレストラン
just-opened restaurant
# テロの脅威に対する対応が遅い
be slow to respond to the terror threat
* うっかり忘れる
slip someone's mind [memory]
The salad I ordered earlier hasn't come yet。
Vol.30 Sightless and fearless
On the way to nearby library I saw a blind man walking in the street.
He felt his way with a cane.
I was impressed because he was walking as if he were a person without any handicapped.
As a trial I walked a little way without closed eyes but I got frighted at once and stopped.
If I do this inside my house I might do it well without fear because I know where table is, where toilet is...
But one foot out the door nobody knows what will happen to you.
Uneven ground, barrier on the street, bycycles moving in close to you as well as hell-bent car.
But to be sightless is really fear?
They look fearless because they are sightless?
anyway I must be grateful for body integrity.
# 杖で道を探る
feel one's way with a cane(盲人が)
# 少し歩く
walk a little way
# 目を閉じて
with closed eyes
* 一歩外に出ると本当に蒸し暑いですよ。
One foot out the door and the humidity really hits you.
# 自転車に乗った人
person on a bicycle // person on the bike
# 猛スピードで飛ばす車
hell-bent car
uneven ground
grateful for
《be ~》~に感謝{かんしゃ}している
# 五体満足
body integrity
He felt his way with a cane.
I was impressed because he was walking as if he were a person without any handicapped.
As a trial I walked a little way without closed eyes but I got frighted at once and stopped.
If I do this inside my house I might do it well without fear because I know where table is, where toilet is...
But one foot out the door nobody knows what will happen to you.
Uneven ground, barrier on the street, bycycles moving in close to you as well as hell-bent car.
But to be sightless is really fear?
They look fearless because they are sightless?
anyway I must be grateful for body integrity.
# 杖で道を探る
feel one's way with a cane(盲人が)
# 少し歩く
walk a little way
# 目を閉じて
with closed eyes
* 一歩外に出ると本当に蒸し暑いですよ。
One foot out the door and the humidity really hits you.
# 自転車に乗った人
person on a bicycle // person on the bike
# 猛スピードで飛ばす車
hell-bent car
uneven ground
grateful for
《be ~》~に感謝{かんしゃ}している
# 五体満足
body integrity
Vol.29 I have a headache...
I have had a headache since yesterday.
If I explain present status of mine in a picture,
It goes like this.
I wanted to post this sweet photo,
but almost every photo uploaded onto Flicker is protected by copyright.
So today I post this image which is not less cute than the cat.
Their breed is Great Pyrenees and they are our Livestock Guard dogs (when they grow up) ;)
# こんな感じだ。
It goes like this.
# 著作権で保護されている
be protected by copyright
# ほとんどすべての人
almost every man // virtually everyone
# uploaded onto the Web Server
《be ~》ウェブ・サーバーにアップロードする
# ~に劣らずかわいい
be not less cute than
If I explain present status of mine in a picture,
It goes like this.
I wanted to post this sweet photo,
but almost every photo uploaded onto Flicker is protected by copyright.
So today I post this image which is not less cute than the cat.
Their breed is Great Pyrenees and they are our Livestock Guard dogs (when they grow up) ;)
# こんな感じだ。
It goes like this.
# 著作権で保護されている
be protected by copyright
# ほとんどすべての人
almost every man // virtually everyone
# uploaded onto the Web Server
《be ~》ウェブ・サーバーにアップロードする
# ~に劣らずかわいい
be not less cute than
Vol.28 Medicine
I bought a cough medicine at a drug store because I have still a bad cough.
I took it after meals but its effectiveness decreases in several hours.
Now it is midnight, but constant cough will not let me sleep well.
So I have just taken a medicine and now I am waiting for recovering from cough.
By the way there seems to be a lake called "Medicine lake" in Canada.
over-the-counter cough medicine
# 薬の効果が徐々に失われること
decreasing drug effectiveness
# XとYの間には違いがあるようだ。
There seems to be a difference between X and Y.
I took it after meals but its effectiveness decreases in several hours.
Now it is midnight, but constant cough will not let me sleep well.
So I have just taken a medicine and now I am waiting for recovering from cough.
By the way there seems to be a lake called "Medicine lake" in Canada.
over-the-counter cough medicine
# 薬の効果が徐々に失われること
decreasing drug effectiveness
# XとYの間には違いがあるようだ。
There seems to be a difference between X and Y.
Vol.27 The 1st time TOEIC
I went to Kokugakuin Univ. for taking the TOEIC exam.
Before that I bought a mask at a CanDo and wore it on the spot because I had kept coughing.
I worried about if I would cough and it might disturb the neighbor test examinees.
But my concern proved unfounded.
I could stop coughing during the exam for some reason.
I do not know why.
I got the whole questions finished10 minutes to 15:00.
Today's result was acceptable.
I felt the questions easier than workbook which I have used.
But I realized that my weakness in English is listening and grammar.
By the way I had a sense of closeness to a test proctor in the exam room.
Because he looked very tense in front of many people, so he often stumbles when he explained instruction.
I also sometimes stumbles like him.
I left Shibuya for Jiyugaoka and went to a Bookoff.
The store happened to I offer special discounts.
I bought some textbook for English and a dictionary.
I was very pleased to buy this dictionary for about 600 yen.
Because I had been waiting for its being sold for fair-sale price.
I feel even 3300 yen is too expensive.
After that I went to Yoshinoya.
I ordered a normal Gyudon.
Almost evertime I order only normal Gyudon.
I hope that the day I can order a specail Gydon, miso soup as well as salada will come.
One of my hapiness is something like that.
What is your hapiness?
I work toward the next TOEIC from now.
test examinees
# その不安は杞憂に終わった。
That concern proved unfounded.
# 試験監督官
proctor〈米〉 // test proctor
# 親近感を持つ
have a sense of closeness
# 聞き取りにくい話し方をする
talk thick
# stumble in one's speech
# すべてやり終える
get the whole thing finished
# ディスカウントセールを実施する
offer special discounts
# 我慢して待つ
wait in patience
fire-sale price
* ほぼ毎回
almost invariably
* ~に向けて頑張る
work toward
Before that I bought a mask at a CanDo and wore it on the spot because I had kept coughing.
I worried about if I would cough and it might disturb the neighbor test examinees.
But my concern proved unfounded.
I could stop coughing during the exam for some reason.
I do not know why.
I got the whole questions finished10 minutes to 15:00.
Today's result was acceptable.
I felt the questions easier than workbook which I have used.
But I realized that my weakness in English is listening and grammar.
By the way I had a sense of closeness to a test proctor in the exam room.
Because he looked very tense in front of many people, so he often stumbles when he explained instruction.
I also sometimes stumbles like him.
I left Shibuya for Jiyugaoka and went to a Bookoff.
The store happened to I offer special discounts.
I bought some textbook for English and a dictionary.
I was very pleased to buy this dictionary for about 600 yen.
Because I had been waiting for its being sold for fair-sale price.
I feel even 3300 yen is too expensive.
After that I went to Yoshinoya.
I ordered a normal Gyudon.
Almost evertime I order only normal Gyudon.
I hope that the day I can order a specail Gydon, miso soup as well as salada will come.
One of my hapiness is something like that.
What is your hapiness?
I work toward the next TOEIC from now.
test examinees
# その不安は杞憂に終わった。
That concern proved unfounded.
# 試験監督官
proctor〈米〉 // test proctor
# 親近感を持つ
have a sense of closeness
# 聞き取りにくい話し方をする
talk thick
# stumble in one's speech
# すべてやり終える
get the whole thing finished
# ディスカウントセールを実施する
offer special discounts
# 我慢して待つ
wait in patience
fire-sale price
* ほぼ毎回
almost invariably
* ~に向けて頑張る
work toward
Vol.26 Part-time empolyment
I have almost completed a translation which a friend of mine introduced.
This kind of part-time job to do translations was the 1st attempt in my life.
I do not know yet how much its compensation is by the paper.
Because I am sure I could not make it done perfectly, maybe 70-80%.
Anyway, I hope this career will be of benefit to me.
Today's movie is this song.
As I get older, my favorite kinds of music is changing.
●compensation 報酬額
This kind of part-time job to do translations was the 1st attempt in my life.
I do not know yet how much its compensation is by the paper.
Because I am sure I could not make it done perfectly, maybe 70-80%.
Anyway, I hope this career will be of benefit to me.
Today's movie is this song.
As I get older, my favorite kinds of music is changing.
●compensation 報酬額
Vol.25 From bad to worse
I cannnot seem to get over this cold...
Last night I had a slight fever, so I went to bed at 21:00.
While in bed I woke up many times because of cough and phlegm.
I have still caught a cold.
It takes long in recovering from ny illness.
I must recover from it immediately.
Because tomorrow is an important day for me because I have a TOEIC test.
I was going to take a trial test yesterday and today.
But I have not tried it yet for I am in bad condition.
By the way today I felt the time for spring has come from something not from cherry blossoms.
Actually I saw some people carrying their suitcase on the street.
Some are coming to move and others are leaving to move.
●phlegm 痰
●be long in recovering from someone's illness なかなか治らない
Last night I had a slight fever, so I went to bed at 21:00.
While in bed I woke up many times because of cough and phlegm.
I have still caught a cold.
It takes long in recovering from ny illness.
I must recover from it immediately.
Because tomorrow is an important day for me because I have a TOEIC test.
I was going to take a trial test yesterday and today.
But I have not tried it yet for I am in bad condition.
By the way today I felt the time for spring has come from something not from cherry blossoms.
Actually I saw some people carrying their suitcase on the street.
Some are coming to move and others are leaving to move.
●phlegm 痰
●be long in recovering from someone's illness なかなか治らない
Vol.24 Rainy season comes?
I have been a slight cold since yestderday and I have a sore throat.
I thinsk that was caused by yesterday rain, so it was quite cold todays mornig.
It brought back me a scene of old days.
I had lived in a coutry whose climiate has dry season and rainy season.
The people living there take care of their health at the turn of the year.
So I also took care of my health like them but I caught a cold easily.
Clearly the next day of having rain was so cold like winter.
By the way, today was the 5th year since the outbreak of the Iraq war.
I am concerned about that people will get uset to hearing sad news of many Iraqi's death.
I hope more and more people to have interest in the situation of Iraq as well as that of Tibet.
You know flocke?
●bring back the scene of old days 昔のことを思い出させる
●turn of the year 季節の変わり目
●be mindful of one's health // take care of one's health 健康に留意する
I thinsk that was caused by yesterday rain, so it was quite cold todays mornig.
It brought back me a scene of old days.
I had lived in a coutry whose climiate has dry season and rainy season.
The people living there take care of their health at the turn of the year.
So I also took care of my health like them but I caught a cold easily.
Clearly the next day of having rain was so cold like winter.
By the way, today was the 5th year since the outbreak of the Iraq war.
I am concerned about that people will get uset to hearing sad news of many Iraqi's death.
I hope more and more people to have interest in the situation of Iraq as well as that of Tibet.
You know flocke?
●bring back the scene of old days 昔のことを思い出させる
●turn of the year 季節の変わり目
●be mindful of one's health // take care of one's health 健康に留意する
Vol.23 I declare!
At last I knew what I do is not to get a safety job as well as to earn money,
but to live without any regret.
Just once, I want to take exams for Department of Veterinary Medicice.
Otherwise, I will be left with such a halfway feeling.
I now declare I am going to be a veterinary.
●be left with such a halfway feeling すっきりしない
but to live without any regret.
Just once, I want to take exams for Department of Veterinary Medicice.
Otherwise, I will be left with such a halfway feeling.
I now declare I am going to be a veterinary.
●be left with such a halfway feeling すっきりしない
Vol.22 A bit strange Mother
My mother is a bit strange.
She is 50 years old now.
So she is not young, but she looks as if she were a young woman.
I tell you the reason.
While she is at home, she always exchanges e-mails with someone.
She participates in free-packet system because she used a lot of packets.
While she drives her car, she listens to music of EXILE or Kuwata Keisuke.
Judging from her ringer melody, she prefers EXILE.
She asked me to copy a DVD so that she will see it anytime.
She suggested me that I watch their DVD because she said
"I was moved to tears."
So I watched it, but it was not interesting.
She said,
"I will work harder and earn money to go to to concerts of EXILE and Kuwata this year."
To be honest,
I donot want her to work harder any more because she had been sick at hospital for a year.
She is 50 years old now.
So she is not young, but she looks as if she were a young woman.
I tell you the reason.
While she is at home, she always exchanges e-mails with someone.
She participates in free-packet system because she used a lot of packets.
While she drives her car, she listens to music of EXILE or Kuwata Keisuke.
Judging from her ringer melody, she prefers EXILE.
She asked me to copy a DVD so that she will see it anytime.
She suggested me that I watch their DVD because she said
"I was moved to tears."
So I watched it, but it was not interesting.
She said,
"I will work harder and earn money to go to to concerts of EXILE and Kuwata this year."
To be honest,
I donot want her to work harder any more because she had been sick at hospital for a year.
Vol.21 Holiday with Father
I asked father out to a health resort since the next day is holiday from his work.
Fortunatelly, there is a vacation house near our house which we can use whenever we wish though it is not our belongings.
On the way to the vacation house, we bought wholesale at a supermarket.
We enjoyed Yakisoba and Hormone over drinking alcohol.
And we watched TV program "Dream" together but it was not interesting to me.
I gave him massage as before.
We went to bed at 21:00.
But I woke up at 2:00 because of father's snoring and having had alcohol.
So I took a bath and studied for TOEIC until 4:00.
In the morning, I went for a walk.
I went to a river where I used to play there when I was a child.
At that time I felt the river was so huge as if I were drown,
but now I do not think so.
During our stay, I and he took a hot spring bath 4 times.
He looked happy to stay because he had come one-day trip.
And he was able to relax because of no people coming and no telephone ringing.
To tell the truth,
I did not like this place because it was boring for me.
There was nothing except nature.
So I brought Famicom there and played all the day.
I could not understand why adults like this bolling place.
But, I come to like this place as I get older gradually.
●ask someone out to a party 一緒にパーティーに行こうと(人)を誘う
●health resort 保養地
●holiday from work 仕事が休みの日
●vacation house 別荘
●can use ~ however one wishes ~を自由に利用することができる
●buy wholesale 買い出しする
●hormone ホルモン
Fortunatelly, there is a vacation house near our house which we can use whenever we wish though it is not our belongings.
On the way to the vacation house, we bought wholesale at a supermarket.
We enjoyed Yakisoba and Hormone over drinking alcohol.
And we watched TV program "Dream" together but it was not interesting to me.
I gave him massage as before.
We went to bed at 21:00.
But I woke up at 2:00 because of father's snoring and having had alcohol.
So I took a bath and studied for TOEIC until 4:00.
In the morning, I went for a walk.
I went to a river where I used to play there when I was a child.
At that time I felt the river was so huge as if I were drown,
but now I do not think so.
During our stay, I and he took a hot spring bath 4 times.
He looked happy to stay because he had come one-day trip.
And he was able to relax because of no people coming and no telephone ringing.
To tell the truth,
I did not like this place because it was boring for me.
There was nothing except nature.
So I brought Famicom there and played all the day.
I could not understand why adults like this bolling place.
But, I come to like this place as I get older gradually.
●ask someone out to a party 一緒にパーティーに行こうと(人)を誘う
●health resort 保養地
●holiday from work 仕事が休みの日
●vacation house 別荘
●can use ~ however one wishes ~を自由に利用することができる
●buy wholesale 買い出しする
●hormone ホルモン
Vol.20 Such A Baby
Our cat was not such a baby,
till a baby of my sister came to home.
Previously, she occupied all attention and affection from our family
because she was only one existence to attract our interests.
She hardly came to us to care her except when she was hugry.
But we began to talk to the baby and keep her amused,
the cat's behaviour's has been weird these days...
she stiches to us!
She forces herself to get rest on our legs.
You little dickens.
●such a baby=甘えん坊
●~ has been weird these days=このごろ~の様子がおかしい
●force oneself to=無理やり~する
●You little dickens= 困ったいたずらっ子だな。
till a baby of my sister came to home.
Previously, she occupied all attention and affection from our family
because she was only one existence to attract our interests.
She hardly came to us to care her except when she was hugry.
But we began to talk to the baby and keep her amused,
the cat's behaviour's has been weird these days...
she stiches to us!
She forces herself to get rest on our legs.
You little dickens.
●such a baby=甘えん坊
●~ has been weird these days=このごろ~の様子がおかしい
●force oneself to=無理やり~する
●You little dickens= 困ったいたずらっ子だな。
Vol.19 Going home
I had decided that I would not go home
till I can inform parents of any news about new empolyment,
but I went to home.
Last Wednesday my fater called me,
"I have not haerd your voice lately, so I just called you".
On the other hand, mother e-mailed to me,
"Why do not you going home?"
She recommended me go home for a change.
As she said I decided to go home to relax.
I left my apartment at 13:00 in Tokyo
and took on subway, highway bus and local train,
and I arrived at home at 21:00.
Of course transporting by Shinkansen can save time for 4 hours,
but now I have donot have enough money, so I chose the cheper way.
On the way to home in the window there were seen some ice on soil left.
Spring has not come yet.
Father came to nearby station to pick me up.
Mother had gone to work but she kindly prepared for dinner before going out.
We enjoyed Yudofu over drinking alcohol.
During my absence from home,
he came to use internet by himself.
Now he can access to some aoutomobile Homepages and also Youtube.
And he looked happy to talk about his grandchild.
After he took a bath father asked me to do massage him.
He laid on his stmachahe on carpet,
and I delightedly gave him massage from shoulder to chest.
I worry about his health problem.
Since he changed his jobs to a taxi driver,
he has complained about his backache.
Mother came home.
She brought some icecreams and we ate them together.
Now our refregirator is fiiled with lots of food like dairy prducts
because she wants me to eat as much as possible.
I slept with our cat after a long time.
This way is the best one which I like in the wrold to heal my mind.
till I can inform parents of any news about new empolyment,
but I went to home.
Last Wednesday my fater called me,
"I have not haerd your voice lately, so I just called you".
On the other hand, mother e-mailed to me,
"Why do not you going home?"
She recommended me go home for a change.
As she said I decided to go home to relax.
I left my apartment at 13:00 in Tokyo
and took on subway, highway bus and local train,
and I arrived at home at 21:00.
Of course transporting by Shinkansen can save time for 4 hours,
but now I have donot have enough money, so I chose the cheper way.
On the way to home in the window there were seen some ice on soil left.
Spring has not come yet.
Father came to nearby station to pick me up.
Mother had gone to work but she kindly prepared for dinner before going out.
We enjoyed Yudofu over drinking alcohol.
During my absence from home,
he came to use internet by himself.
Now he can access to some aoutomobile Homepages and also Youtube.
And he looked happy to talk about his grandchild.
After he took a bath father asked me to do massage him.
He laid on his stmachahe on carpet,
and I delightedly gave him massage from shoulder to chest.
I worry about his health problem.
Since he changed his jobs to a taxi driver,
he has complained about his backache.
Mother came home.
She brought some icecreams and we ate them together.
Now our refregirator is fiiled with lots of food like dairy prducts
because she wants me to eat as much as possible.
I slept with our cat after a long time.
This way is the best one which I like in the wrold to heal my mind.
Vol.18 Unusual Message from abroad
Last week I sent an e-mail to a friend of mine living abroad,
and today I received his reply to my greeting.
But to be my surprise,
he only forwarded some pictures and some slides.
Just like that.
No personal comments on him and me were included.
No "Hello" and No "What's up?"
I shoe you what I mean.
Let us have a look.
The first one is several pictures of the artificail island called the palm island tree in Dubai.
If you look this photo for the first time you will be surprised.
I have known this...but it is so amazing!
The next one is a gag presentation.
Your Examination
* ku ku
* ka ka
* ga ga
* gu gu
* ka ka ki
* gu gu ki ki
* ka ka ku ku
* ki ki ki ku ku
* ga ki ku ka ka ku
* ki ku ki ki ku ku
* Congratulations!
you have successfully
learnt the…
Monkey Language !
I have pronounced like a monkey...
The last one is also presentaton slides but it included religious connotation like "the God", "happiness" and "Love" something like that.
So I did not post it here.
In particular in the Arab nations it is natural for them to express thier opinions on religion in public,
while Japan people consider this discussion about religion is close to tpoic toboo.
The important point to remeber is these messages were sent on his duty.
It is quite unthinkable in Japan.
and today I received his reply to my greeting.
But to be my surprise,
he only forwarded some pictures and some slides.
Just like that.
No personal comments on him and me were included.
No "Hello" and No "What's up?"
I shoe you what I mean.
Let us have a look.
The first one is several pictures of the artificail island called the palm island tree in Dubai.
If you look this photo for the first time you will be surprised.
I have known this...but it is so amazing!
The next one is a gag presentation.
Your Examination
* ku ku
* ka ka
* ga ga
* gu gu
* ka ka ki
* gu gu ki ki
* ka ka ku ku
* ki ki ki ku ku
* ga ki ku ka ka ku
* ki ku ki ki ku ku
* Congratulations!
you have successfully
learnt the…
Monkey Language !
I have pronounced like a monkey...
The last one is also presentaton slides but it included religious connotation like "the God", "happiness" and "Love" something like that.
So I did not post it here.
In particular in the Arab nations it is natural for them to express thier opinions on religion in public,
while Japan people consider this discussion about religion is close to tpoic toboo.
The important point to remeber is these messages were sent on his duty.
It is quite unthinkable in Japan.
Vol.17 Homeless is library user?
I met a homeless at my usual library.
Every time I see them I am surprised at how many homeless people are living in Tokyo.
I am sure the number of homeless people will be increasing more and more in the future because there are a lot of homeless reserves.
They are found not only at libraries but also in the internet cafe shops and tube hotels. I think that those reserves will become problemtaic even though they are not considered as homeless now.
In fact, last year I spend staying at those cheap facilities for several days because thier accomodation fee is so cheap.
Budget accomondations attract the many poor.
At that time I also did not have money, so I was forced to spend there.
I did not expect many men lived there as their beds.
Most of the guests were salaried workers who missed the last train,
but the 20 or 30 % of them were regular customers.
That was their home.
Anyway, I am concerned about that poverty will be expanding more and more from now on. This might happen to me too.
Coming back to the subject, do you know are there any public facilities that homeless can utilize except libraries?
If they have no chice to come to libraries to take rest or to read books as a user, you will accept even though they emitte bad smells?
How can we get along with them?
I feel sorry for them but I do not know what we should do for them...
I foud an opinion who works for a library from the internet.
しつこく、ホームレスと図書館利用 (西河内靖泰)
昨年の9月,ある全国紙の東京版で,ホームレスの図書館利用について取り上げた記事が載った。記事は,東京の都心区の図書館を取材したものだが,見出しにこうあった。「図書館にホームレス 市民も(早く来ていい席取るし,いびきかいて眠るし) 職員も(「出ていけ」とはなかなか) 本人も(行くところがない これ以上落ちぬため少しは知識も)困惑」。読者から「図書館に,ホームレスが多い。何とかならないか」と電話があったので取材したとのリード書きが書かれている。記事そのものは,図書館と当のホームレスを取材して,図書館の苦悩とホームレスの実情をていねいに書いている(「図書館の自由」のことには,まったく触れていなかったが)。
(にしごうち やすひろ:JLA図書館の自由委員会,荒川区立南千住図書館)
What do you think??
Every time I see them I am surprised at how many homeless people are living in Tokyo.
I am sure the number of homeless people will be increasing more and more in the future because there are a lot of homeless reserves.
They are found not only at libraries but also in the internet cafe shops and tube hotels. I think that those reserves will become problemtaic even though they are not considered as homeless now.
In fact, last year I spend staying at those cheap facilities for several days because thier accomodation fee is so cheap.
Budget accomondations attract the many poor.
At that time I also did not have money, so I was forced to spend there.
I did not expect many men lived there as their beds.
Most of the guests were salaried workers who missed the last train,
but the 20 or 30 % of them were regular customers.
That was their home.
Anyway, I am concerned about that poverty will be expanding more and more from now on. This might happen to me too.
Coming back to the subject, do you know are there any public facilities that homeless can utilize except libraries?
If they have no chice to come to libraries to take rest or to read books as a user, you will accept even though they emitte bad smells?
How can we get along with them?
I feel sorry for them but I do not know what we should do for them...
I foud an opinion who works for a library from the internet.
しつこく、ホームレスと図書館利用 (西河内靖泰)
昨年の9月,ある全国紙の東京版で,ホームレスの図書館利用について取り上げた記事が載った。記事は,東京の都心区の図書館を取材したものだが,見出しにこうあった。「図書館にホームレス 市民も(早く来ていい席取るし,いびきかいて眠るし) 職員も(「出ていけ」とはなかなか) 本人も(行くところがない これ以上落ちぬため少しは知識も)困惑」。読者から「図書館に,ホームレスが多い。何とかならないか」と電話があったので取材したとのリード書きが書かれている。記事そのものは,図書館と当のホームレスを取材して,図書館の苦悩とホームレスの実情をていねいに書いている(「図書館の自由」のことには,まったく触れていなかったが)。
(にしごうち やすひろ:JLA図書館の自由委員会,荒川区立南千住図書館)
What do you think??
Vol.16 It is time to study that book
Five years ago I bought an English text book.
But I cannot help but abandoned the book halfway through because it was difficult for me to catch.
Since that time, the book had been arranged on my bookshelf.
Five years later, today I opened the book and tried to listen to dialogue again.
To be my surprise, I felt most of the parts were easier than I did five years ago.
I have not studied English very hard for the last 5 years,
but maybe it is due to having lived in a foreign country for a few years despite non English-speaking countries. I had a lot of opportunity to communicate with local people in English.
This book reminded me of a thing that I have improved little by little.
But I cannot help but abandoned the book halfway through because it was difficult for me to catch.
Since that time, the book had been arranged on my bookshelf.
Five years later, today I opened the book and tried to listen to dialogue again.
To be my surprise, I felt most of the parts were easier than I did five years ago.
I have not studied English very hard for the last 5 years,
but maybe it is due to having lived in a foreign country for a few years despite non English-speaking countries. I had a lot of opportunity to communicate with local people in English.
This book reminded me of a thing that I have improved little by little.
Vol.15 Strong will
I went out for a drink with a fried of mine in Shinjyuku.
It was almost three years ago that we became acquainted each other.
In the past he said to me,
"I want to be a veterenary for cattles after going back to Japan".
I did not think that he had a person of such a strong will at that time.
After 2 years passed.
I met him this summer and I was surprised at his thought.
He has still been thinking to become a veterinary and has continued to study very hard.
At last as he decleared he passed an exammination for adimission as a transefer student and is going to enter a veterinary college next month.
I know how difficult to enter a veterinary collge,
because I also has the same thought as his in the past.
So I highly respect his strong will.
Today I intoroduce this nice song "Pianoman" by Billy Joel.
It was almost three years ago that we became acquainted each other.
In the past he said to me,
"I want to be a veterenary for cattles after going back to Japan".
I did not think that he had a person of such a strong will at that time.
After 2 years passed.
I met him this summer and I was surprised at his thought.
He has still been thinking to become a veterinary and has continued to study very hard.
At last as he decleared he passed an exammination for adimission as a transefer student and is going to enter a veterinary college next month.
I know how difficult to enter a veterinary collge,
because I also has the same thought as his in the past.
So I highly respect his strong will.
Today I intoroduce this nice song "Pianoman" by Billy Joel.
Vol.14 Hopeful News
I woke up by a call from an employment councilor at 10:00.
He told me that a company which I applied for was going to have a job interview.
Though I submitted a job application form 2 weeks ago,
there has not been any reply from the company so far.
I have just known that this delay was caused by the personal reshuffle.
Anyway there is still hope left for me.
Another news is I may do translations.
A friend of mine offered this job.
Payment is decided by the number of translated papers.
I do not want money. but this job will be a good reason to explain my blank from last month in my CV for the job interview.
BTW, I found a very lovely movie!
Check it out!
He told me that a company which I applied for was going to have a job interview.
Though I submitted a job application form 2 weeks ago,
there has not been any reply from the company so far.
I have just known that this delay was caused by the personal reshuffle.
Anyway there is still hope left for me.
Another news is I may do translations.
A friend of mine offered this job.
Payment is decided by the number of translated papers.
I do not want money. but this job will be a good reason to explain my blank from last month in my CV for the job interview.
BTW, I found a very lovely movie!
Check it out!
Vol.13 I may have already lost my hometown...
My recent hit song is this.
"Ballde dedicated to mother" by Tetsuya Takeda
I like the opening of this song's lirics very much.
This song starts with lirics below,
The above song is sung by Tetsuya Takeda,
but I reccomed you that the same song impersonated by Korokke who is one of the famous impersonaters be worth listening.
He is great!
I sympathsize with what the lirics are telling...
Last month my mother visited my apartment for the first time.
She came by express bus for 5 hours to see if I was fine or not.
To my surprise, she brought several kinds of vegetables like carrots, potatos, pickles as well as rice! All of them were from my hometown and my kitchen garden.
I remembered a scene of a film whose name is "Kitanokunikara".
In this film there is a scene that a father visited his son, who lived in Tokyo,
and he brought several water is the same as my mother.
Everytime I go home I can not realize that I am at home without seeing my mother.
I am not mama boy, but I think almost everbody has this similar feeling.
So, during having dinner with mother, I felt as if I went home and had dinner.
Mother is great.
"Ballde dedicated to mother" by Tetsuya Takeda
I like the opening of this song's lirics very much.
This song starts with lirics below,
The above song is sung by Tetsuya Takeda,
but I reccomed you that the same song impersonated by Korokke who is one of the famous impersonaters be worth listening.
He is great!
I sympathsize with what the lirics are telling...
Last month my mother visited my apartment for the first time.
She came by express bus for 5 hours to see if I was fine or not.
To my surprise, she brought several kinds of vegetables like carrots, potatos, pickles as well as rice! All of them were from my hometown and my kitchen garden.
I remembered a scene of a film whose name is "Kitanokunikara".
In this film there is a scene that a father visited his son, who lived in Tokyo,
and he brought several water is the same as my mother.
Everytime I go home I can not realize that I am at home without seeing my mother.
I am not mama boy, but I think almost everbody has this similar feeling.
So, during having dinner with mother, I felt as if I went home and had dinner.
Mother is great.
Vol.12 Long night brought by neighbor
I am still awake though I went to bed at 23:00 last night.
Because sounds from a person upstairs who has just moved was noisy, so I missed a chance to sleep.
My apartment is a steel-frame buiding,
but I think performance of the struction is badly poor.
Because today I heard the guy upstairs popping a sound in bathroom!
It is like that I and he live together in same room!
I pay 82000 yen for housing expense monthly,
but cost and performance is disappointing.
If I had known this problem of this building, I would have chosen another one...
You can buy comfortablity by paying money.
Anyway, I reviewed the textbook which was planned to do tomorrow.
But I finished it by 3:00.
So, now I am reading a book.
What time I can fall asleep?
Because sounds from a person upstairs who has just moved was noisy, so I missed a chance to sleep.
My apartment is a steel-frame buiding,
but I think performance of the struction is badly poor.
Because today I heard the guy upstairs popping a sound in bathroom!
It is like that I and he live together in same room!
I pay 82000 yen for housing expense monthly,
but cost and performance is disappointing.
If I had known this problem of this building, I would have chosen another one...
You can buy comfortablity by paying money.
Anyway, I reviewed the textbook which was planned to do tomorrow.
But I finished it by 3:00.
So, now I am reading a book.
What time I can fall asleep?
Vol.11 Strange African
I woke up at 14:00 because i could not go to sleep so I had been studying until 5:00.
Today I tried a new textbook for TOEIC which I bought yesterday at a BOOK OFF in Jiyugaoka.
The percentage of my correct answers was 70-80%, which was higher than I expected.
I will review tomorrow.
By the way, during my studying at a library there was a strange foreign man.
This library has a study room composed of 4 tables and 8 chairs.
I and another person occupied the 2 tables, respectively.
Suddenly a stranger foreigner, who looks like from Africa, and another person quarrel each other over temperature of air conditioner.
African guy said, "why it is too hot here?"
Another man answered, "not hot! it is cool! 21 degrees now"
Yes, that room is too cool for some reason.
Judgeing from their conversation,
it seemed to me that they have known each other, but Japanese man hates this guy.
This guy had an umbrella despite no suggestion of rain today.
He sat the seat next to me though there were the 2 remaining tables.
And then, he huffed dust on the table and wiped the table with his umbrella.
His odd activities made me leave there immediately.
I will go to bed earlier than usual because I have slight fever.
Today I tried a new textbook for TOEIC which I bought yesterday at a BOOK OFF in Jiyugaoka.
The percentage of my correct answers was 70-80%, which was higher than I expected.
I will review tomorrow.
By the way, during my studying at a library there was a strange foreign man.
This library has a study room composed of 4 tables and 8 chairs.
I and another person occupied the 2 tables, respectively.
Suddenly a stranger foreigner, who looks like from Africa, and another person quarrel each other over temperature of air conditioner.
African guy said, "why it is too hot here?"
Another man answered, "not hot! it is cool! 21 degrees now"
Yes, that room is too cool for some reason.
Judgeing from their conversation,
it seemed to me that they have known each other, but Japanese man hates this guy.
This guy had an umbrella despite no suggestion of rain today.
He sat the seat next to me though there were the 2 remaining tables.
And then, he huffed dust on the table and wiped the table with his umbrella.
His odd activities made me leave there immediately.
I will go to bed earlier than usual because I have slight fever.
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