
Vol.10 Broccoli in Curry

I cook almost every my meal myself to minimize my spending as much as possible because now I have not had any earning since Feb.

So, in terms of meals, the most important thing for me is not what I want to eat but how I can make my stomachache satisfied. Unfortunately, he requires lot of food though I am slim and am in poverty.

Currys require more initial cost because of various vegetables and a meat.
But do not worry, you can recover the initial cost later because you can cook currys for some meals!

BTW, Today I cooked broccoli in curry for him.
The curry was not so delicious but it was enough acceptable for me to satisfy my stomachache.
If you are starved you feel delicious whatever you eat.
にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ
I am looking forward to eating the rest of the curry tomorrow.

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