
Vol.30 Sightless and fearless

On the way to nearby library I saw a blind man walking in the street.
He felt his way with a cane.

I was impressed because he was walking as if he were a person without any handicapped.
As a trial I walked a little way without closed eyes but I got frighted at once and stopped.

If I do this inside my house I might do it well without fear because I know where table is, where toilet is...
But one foot out the door nobody knows what will happen to you.
Uneven ground, barrier on the street, bycycles moving in close to you as well as hell-bent car.

But to be sightless is really fear?
They look fearless because they are sightless?

anyway I must be grateful for body integrity.

# 杖で道を探る
feel one's way with a cane(盲人が)

# 少し歩く
walk a little way

# 目を閉じて
with closed eyes

* 一歩外に出ると本当に蒸し暑いですよ。
One foot out the door and the humidity really hits you.

# 自転車に乗った人
person on a bicycle // person on the bike

# 猛スピードで飛ばす車
hell-bent car

uneven ground


grateful for
《be ~》~に感謝{かんしゃ}している

# 五体満足
body integrity



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