
Vol.42 Manga in the library

Since today I decided to study in a library from 9.00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m. opening hours.
A man, sitting the same table with me, he looked like one of the typical NEETs.

I have seen some of them on television and he was true for them.
A bold head, fat body, and with glasses.
He had read many comics during his stay there, laughed by himself and slept with noisy breathing.

For your information, I am not such a man.
But I must be numbered as a NEET.
I do not have job, not go to school as well as training.
But I study English hard by myself and I am ready myself to pass TOEIC and exam for admission.
It does not matter whether I am included in NEET or not.
The important thing is what you do for your dream.

And now, I do not know why today's libraries have even comics?
Dragonball, Detective Konan, and so on.

It is not I do not agree this idea, but I think just that they should accept easily because some of the users desire to libraries that they want to read comics.
I add that if the library side would like to respond to the users I think a specialized library for Manga should have comics.
Those who want to read comics, they just need to go to BOOK OFF.

# 開館時間は午前_から午後_です
run from __ a.m. to __ p.m., opening hours

# (人)と同じテーブルに座る
sit at the same table with

# 他の国の人々に当てはまる
be true for people in other countries

# 頭がはげている
have a bald head

# かなり太っている
be so obese

# ちなみにいうと、彼女はこの組織のトップだ。
For your information, she's the top woman in this organization.

# 「あなたに賛成していないというわけではないんだ。もっとはっきりさせてほしいと思っているだけなんだ」「分かりました」
"It's not that I don't agree with you. I just want you to be clearer." "Oh, I see."



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