Today I went to Kamata.
It was the 2nd time for me to visit there.
My first imperession was "this town is with common touch".
As some poople say "Kamata is known for Blue-collar worker Town".
Indeed, there were many shops and several comercial avenues around the staion.
But, recently commercial comlex at the Kamata Staion called "Granduo"was reopened last week.
So, the building was crowded with a lot of people from the young to the elderly.
I saw...
The people were absorbed in shopping, eating and drinking.
On the other hand, some shabby men look like homeless people were just looking at them with idiling.
Even if a new commercila building opened, which would not improve thier lives.
They just wait for death to come.
blue-collar worker
# 庶民的な雰囲気のレストラン
restaurant with the common touch
commercial avenue
# 商業ビル
business complex
# みすぼらしいなりをした老人
shabby old man
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