
Vol.63 Surprise

I have a good news.
Yesterday I found an e-mail address of my friend from my PC.
So immediately I told him that I am willing to welcome him anytime he visits Japan.

But to my surprise he replied, and he said


"Hi! How are you? Now I am in Japan! My cellphone is XXXXXX"

I was happy to see it, and then I called him.
It was also surprising that I started to speak in Arabic.
I still remember Arabic even though it has passed almost one year since I left.

Fortuntely, he could enter Tokyo Univ.
I am going to see him tommorow.




にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Oh, can you speak in Arabic?
Have you been to the Arabic-speaking world? Sounds great!
I'm sure you had a really good time with your friend yesterday.
Have a great Golden Week holidays!

# The cat is so cute! She (he?) is similar to my parent's cat. :D

nikukyu さんのコメント...

Thanks for your kind comment.

Yes, I can speak.
Because I lived there.

But Arabic dialects differ from country to country, and even from town to town! So it seems that one country has one launguage.

Oh, really?
The cat is not mine, but his face is so funny and cute.