
Vol.77 Hit the lottery jackpot


I dream a dream almost everday, and sometimes more than one dream per sleeping.

Today I dreamt two dreams.
One is that I claimed a 8 million yen on a scratch ticket.
I confirmed it many times and it was proved to be true.
But I was dreaming...

The other one is that father of my girlfriend boarded a helicopter.
I can't remember what made him appear in the dream of mine...

# 宝くじで大当たりする
hit the lottery jackpot

# スクラッチくじで500ドルが当たった。
I claimed a $500 prize on a scratch ticket.

# ヘリコプターに乗る
board a helicopter



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2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Hi! Oh, that's so funny!
Did you ride on the helicopter
with him?
He boarded alone?
I've ever ridden it actually three times.
But I've never had such a dream though I dream everyday.
Anyway, I really want to have the lottery dream, and I hope it will become a reality!

nikukyu さんのコメント...

>hi, natsuo-beer

He was boarding alone...
I have also boarded it one time as a part-time job. It was so nice vieeeeeeeeew!

Yeah, let's hit the jackpot together!