
Vol.91 A Man Like A Woman

My girlfriend works at an animal hospital.
She told me a funny story.

One man, some 50 years old, visited the hospital with his cat.
A staff person at the reception desk noticed right away something odd about his appearance.
Because his face was put on foundation and his lip was put on a red rouge.
In addition, he was in bra!
But his voice was masculine one...
Can you believe it?

To hear that, my girlfriend was sure she will laugh at him if she sees his face.
So, while she was treating his cat she decided not to see his face as much as possible. Fortunately, she managed to make it. But, she is worried about if he visits the hospital again how she can avoid laughing. She has still bad habit of bursting out laughing when a thing holds true to her sense of humor. Sometimes, she laughs at the funny people or memories. Anyway, I advised her not to laugh however funny he is because he may be suffering from gender identity disorder. And I told her to do her duties with a sense of tension.

* 男の声
masculine voice

break up // burst out laughing

# 思い出し笑いする
smile at the memory

gender identity disorder



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